Monday, June 8, 2009

Moving up in the world-- highchair + sweet potato

Julian moved into his high chair and tried sweet potato for the first time (not a huge fan, it seems-- maybe it's an acquired taste).

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On June 3rd, Julian passed the 1/2 year mark!

Miriam joined us to celebrate!

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Where's my breakfast?

"Hey guys, I want some nosh-- you can put it right here!"

"Oui oui, maman!"

"What is it with the service around here?"
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Julian at the Table

Here, Julian sits at the table for the first time...

Hey, Jules-- I said "at" the table, not "eat" the table!
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Just my size!

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How do you do?

Here's Julian with new friend Declan...

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Ladies' Man

Here's Julian with the lovely Brynn...

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