Sunday, July 18, 2010

A B C...

Visiting with Family

Julian visited with many family members over the past few weeks.
Here he is with Great-Granddad & Nomi:

With NYC relatives the Stewarts and Hepinstalls (including Sadie, Jules' cousin)
Matt with Jules & Sadie:

With Uncle Ben (& Auntie Beth):
With Grandpa "Papa" Mark (and Sue):

Kitty is HOT.

A Bath with Gus

Some Serious Lunchtime Reading

A Kiss for Baby Shamiyah

Cool Cats in the City

Some overdue posting...
Here are the Lukers-- cool cats in the Big City--
Mama and Jules playing a public art installation piano:

Jules giving five to the mascot of the cheerleaders at the NYC Pride Run:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010